05.02.2024 Paarmita Pandey, Dominick Rowan, Nicole Gountanis, Haniyeh Tajer, Evan Jennerjahn, Rebbeca McClain, Xavier Lesley, and Ji Wang hosted an exoplanet exhibition booth at the COSI Science Festival. The event was attended by more than 10,000 people and participated by 150 exhibitors including a strong presence of OSU. The outreach activities included a solar system game with NASA exoplanet posters as awards, a spectral lamp to explain biosignatures, and designing your own 2D and 3D planets.
04.22.2024 Kaz Gary, Karina Barboza, and Ji Wang hosted an Exoplanet exhibition booth at the COSI’s Passport to the Color of Science 2024 event on April 22. The booth featured OSU meteorite collection and a solar system game with NASA exoplanet posters as awards. The event was attended by 750 female high school students in the Columbus metropolitan area including students from Ohio State School for the Blind and Ohio School of the Deaf. OSU Exoplanet is among more than 30 exhibitors that are industrial and academic partners with COSI.